Frequently Asked Questions

Does cosmetic tattooing hurt?

There is minimal to none pain, varying from client to client. Many describe it as a light “scratching” feeling on the brow area, with some even falling asleep and taking a small brow nap! Safe topical anesthetic creams will be applied to numb your skin and ease discomfort, throughout the procedure.

What is ombré powder brows?

Ombré powder brows are a misty, powder filled brow resembling the look of makeup or a fresh brow tint. Results can be as soft and natural, or as bold and dark as the client desires. “Ombré” is a French term meaning shaded or shading; the tails of the brow are darker, and gradually, fade lighter towards the start of brow. Effects are 100% smudge & waterproof.

What is the difference between microblading and powder brows?

Microblading mimics hair-like strokes which are cut into the skin using a handheld tool. Most results may lead to patchiness over time, and will not last as long on the skin compared to ombre powder brows. Microblading is also best suited for those with dry skin with no pores. Powder brows is done using a machine, which means it is suitable for all skin types (dry, combo & oily), will last much longer on the skin, and will give a more “filled in” look.

How long will it last?

On average, your brows will last anywhere between 1-3 years and lip blush 2-5 years, before you have to come back for a touch-up. Most clients will come back yearly to keep the colour looking fresh and dark. Your skin type, lifestyle and any health conditions, will also play a huge role in longevity. Oiler skin clients will typically experience quicker fading, resulting in quicker touch-ups. Individuals who sweat excessively, tan often, and are exposed to the sun without any SPF on their brows, will also experience quicker fading.

What is the procedure like?

Before any type of cosmetic work is done, your artist will first draw out your ideal brow or lip shape using pencils, rulers and mapping string. Once you are 100% satisfied with your pre-draw shape, we will go ahead and start the service. A handheld machine is used to gently apply pigment into only the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. As cosmetic tattoo artists, our needle depth is kept short and we do not go as deep into the skin as traditional tattooing.

  • The first initial appointment will take approx 3-4hrs to complete, with the touch-up appointment being around 2hrs.

  • Most clients with require a second touch-up appointment to perfect the brows. You will not get perfect brows overnight, trust the process! Below are some of the reasons why you may need more then 1 touch-up:

      • oily skin type

      • medical conditions

      • not following proper aftercare

      • not wearing SPF on brows or lips, causing fading

How long does healing take?

Brow healing can take anywhere from 7-14 days, varying from client to client. Within two weeks of each procedure, the brows should be fully healed and you may return to your normal routines. Your true shape, size, and colour can not be determined until the brows are fully healed after your second touch-up appointment.

For lip blush, the healing is a little quicker. Lip healing can take anywhere from 3-7 days. The scabbing stage is also very different than powder brows, instead your lips will look very dry and flaky. Your true lip colour will come in after the 1 month mark.

How can I make my semi-permanent makeup last longer?

Wearing SPF on your brows after they heal is crucial to prevent colour fading as well as discolouration. Please apply a thin layer of SPF anytime you are stepping outside. Also avoid exfoilating and using chemical peels on and near your cosmetic tattoo, as this will also lead to quicker fading.

Are your ink pigments vegan?

Yes! All ink used in our studio is both vegan and cruelty-free.

Is there any chance of infection?

Safety is our number one priority in our studio. We follow the strictest infection control and cross-contamination standards. Artists are blood-borne pathogens certified within Canada. One time use sterile disposable needles are always used and opened in front of each client. Everything is also sanitized and sterilized before arrival of each client. To prevent any infection on your end, please strictly follow all the after-care information that your artist provides you with.